Anyway something BIG happened. We finally got a DOG. YAY. I have wanted a dog for a long time and I did heaps of research and we decided to get a papillon pure bred puppy.
His name is Hachiko, which is a famous dog in Japan who has a statue at the main exit of Shibuya station in Tokyo, which is a popular meeting point, kinda like under the clocks at Flinders Street station in Melbourne. The story of Hachiko is also similar to the "dog on the tucker box story" of country NSW. Basically the dog and its owner used to meet every day at the same time at the same place out front of Shibuya Station, but one day the dogs owner died and didn't come, but the dog kept coming back. Its a sad story, but the meeting point was a happy place for us in Tokyo, and we wanted a Japanese name, so Hachiko it is. The only problem is no one remembers his name here because its too unusual for English speakers or people think we are weird. Like for instance people always stop me in the street to ask what breed is he because he is sooo cute and unusual looking, so I say he is a Papillon, which in turn gets me blank stares, then they ask his name and I say Hachiko, and then they give me confused stares like I'm talking crazy talk. Oh well. I think Hachiko suits him.

He is so small
(like my dress? It was only $10 on sale at Bardot, a shop I never ever
ever go into but did by accident! The belt was only $4 at Portmans
bargain basement in Bourke Street and the shoes were $9 at Big W. Such bargains!)
He is only 3 months old. Toilet training him has been a bit difficult, but after 2 weeks he has got the hang of peeing on the puppy pad in the bathroom and waiting to be walked to poo outside. As we live in an apartment with no balcony or garden I think that's the easiest way to train him. The puppy pads have been more successful than the kitty litter we tried, this might be because they have a special scent that dogs like and encourages him to pee there. I would recommend them to anyone who is thinking of getting a puppy for an apartment to give them a try.
I also finally got the Docksta round table from ikea I talked about in an earlier post. The only problem is it looks HORRIBLE with our existing chairs which are white Jeff fold up chairs from ikea, which were purchased as a temporary option until we got something better, as they are only $12.95, and when we do get something better we can store them for use when we have more guests than chairs (like at Christmas). The chairs didn't look so bad with our old table (which I sold on ebay for $67, good considering I got it and 4 orange chairs for $40 at the Salvo's 4 years ago)
(like my dress? It was only $10 on sale at Bardot, a shop I never ever
ever go into but did by accident! The belt was only $4 at Portmans
bargain basement in Bourke Street and the shoes were $9 at Big W. Such bargains!)
He is only 3 months old. Toilet training him has been a bit difficult, but after 2 weeks he has got the hang of peeing on the puppy pad in the bathroom and waiting to be walked to poo outside. As we live in an apartment with no balcony or garden I think that's the easiest way to train him. The puppy pads have been more successful than the kitty litter we tried, this might be because they have a special scent that dogs like and encourages him to pee there. I would recommend them to anyone who is thinking of getting a puppy for an apartment to give them a try.
I also finally got the Docksta round table from ikea I talked about in an earlier post. The only problem is it looks HORRIBLE with our existing chairs which are white Jeff fold up chairs from ikea, which were purchased as a temporary option until we got something better, as they are only $12.95, and when we do get something better we can store them for use when we have more guests than chairs (like at Christmas). The chairs didn't look so bad with our old table (which I sold on ebay for $67, good considering I got it and 4 orange chairs for $40 at the Salvo's 4 years ago)

New table with the ugly chairs (excuse the mop, the dog just pee'd in the wrong spot)

old table looked better with the chairs
I have been looking and looking for some cheap retro but decent chairs for our new table but haven't found anything that doesn't need work.
These are current wishes on ebay
These are current wishes on ebay
They are currently priced at $12.50 each.
The ad says they are fiberglass and in good condition with a few scratches, which I don't mind because it will give the room a more rustic, less perfect feel which I think it needs. Right now its all too ikea ikea ikea matchy matchy matchy. A few imperfect chairs will fix that.

The other option is these ikea chairs that are $29 each. If I dont win the ebay auction these are going to have to do. They are retro looking and comfy with nice shaped legs. BUT they are another thing from ikea....I dont want everything in my house to be ikea ikea ikea. But I need new chairs before Christmas because I'm having my family over. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
Also that project of adding a new hanging light over the table is slowly coming along...very slowly. I bought a shade for $3 on Smith Street a month ago to cover, and a fabric remnant at Lincraft 2 weeks ago for $4 but I still haven't gotten around to covering it yet. I don't see the point as Henry still hasn't got the wire and plugs from the hardware shop to make the lamp. He never finishes anything that he starts (this project was his idea).

The other option is these ikea chairs that are $29 each. If I dont win the ebay auction these are going to have to do. They are retro looking and comfy with nice shaped legs. BUT they are another thing from ikea....I dont want everything in my house to be ikea ikea ikea. But I need new chairs before Christmas because I'm having my family over. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
Also that project of adding a new hanging light over the table is slowly coming along...very slowly. I bought a shade for $3 on Smith Street a month ago to cover, and a fabric remnant at Lincraft 2 weeks ago for $4 but I still haven't gotten around to covering it yet. I don't see the point as Henry still hasn't got the wire and plugs from the hardware shop to make the lamp. He never finishes anything that he starts (this project was his idea).

Henry doesn't like the fabric that much. He thinks its too 70's retro paisley print. I however think that because its predominately white the light it emits will be bright and just right. I do prefer the idea of making it a vintage kimono print, but I cant find any that are 120cm in size or without cranes (I don't like the look of them on the fabric)

Kimono fabric (only 100 cm)
What do you guys think?Tomorrow we are going to Camberwell market with Hachiko. Hopefully I will find some nice fabric or vases or in my dreams the perfect chairs!
Sayonara xxx
the kimono fabric is amazing! love it! sad its only 100cm