So I have a lot of catching up to do.
Firstly I want to say that I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and a happy New Year. I certainly did. Here are some photos from Christmas at my house.

The table setting

Lots of beautifully wrapped gifts!

The Christmas lights
New Years Eve was sooooo much fun. It was the first New Years I have had in Australia in 3 years, and I have to say it was more fun than New Years in Japan or New York. In Japan it isn't a party night, it is more like how Christmas is here, a family affair and the most important holiday. What happens is you all go to the temple or shrine and line up to ring a bell. Then at midnight you eat soba noodles. New Years day you go to a popular shrine or temple again to start the year fresh (along with millions of other people...argg sooo crowded) It is interesting to do it once, but I love to party so I was happy to be home for New Years. In New York we went to Misshapes, the "hipster" party, but it wasn't that much fun cos everyone is wearing black and just posing for photos.
In Australia New Years is in SUMMER and it always is the hottest day of the year (it was this year at 42 degrees!) So it is a big sweaty, red faced drunk and violent night (people get violent when its hot) Which means there is always heaps of police everywhere. In Melbourne we have a huge fireworks display along the river and through the city and at federation square. They go off at 9pm for family's with young children who cant stay up late and again at midnight for everyone else. We decided to go to the 9pm fireworks with Hachiko. It was really pretty and Hachiko liked it. After that we went and met my friend Tony, who was dj'ing at the house party we were going to.

The house party was huge, too big for the house. About 1000 people were in the park opposite the house, and the public swimming pool which adjoins the park was being broken into by very drunk and hot party goers. It was crazy. I bumped into a lot of old friends and had the best time. I think it was a very Australian New Years (there are no house parties in Japan EVER!) so I was happy to experience it. Sometimes I love really love being home.
I have no photos from the party because I was too drunk and all the photos are of darkness, but here is my outfit for the night. Remember it was HOT so that's why I have such a red shiny sweaty face.

I hope everyone had a great night and that 2008 brings you happiness in everything you do.
Hayley xxx
HAPPY NEW YEAR! I am sooooooo happy you are back blogging. I missed your posts sooo much!!!!!!
oh oh an i forgot ur outfit is fab!! i want ur shoes!!!