As the title suggests I feel much better about myself lately and I feel my fashion groove is back and I'm ready to go out and party. It might be that I'm excited about going back to uni and making new friends which has given me a brighter attitude to living back in Aus...As I keep saying its sooooo hard to move away from Tokyo, from where all my friends were so nice and sweet and fun and 100% crazy dressers and the scene is written about in books, back to Melbourne, Australia, where everyone wears black and wont be written about in books...Melbourne is a cool place though, it is the coolest Australian city...but its not Tokyo...and I know like I sound like a broken record always going on about Tokyo but I cant help it!!!
Anyway My Japanese visitor Sakiko did me a HUGE favour...she took back 4 pressies for the Spank girls for was going to cost $25 each gift to post so it was a real big help....Tabuchi sent me this photo with her wearing some of the gift saying Thank you...The skirt, pink top under her t-shirt and the pink braces are all from me! She said it makes her sad that she cant hug me and go to parties together...that made me sad too...I miss them soooooo much.

Anyway tonight we went over to my Mum's house for dinner to say goodbye to my sisters bf who is leaving Melbourne for 6 months to live in Canberra (the capital of Australia) for a politics internship. My mums house is always freezing...and it was also unseasonably cold for this time of year (its summer!!!) so I had to wear layers.

I am wearing:
Cape: $5. I bought it when I 1st got back to Australia at the Cotton On factory outlet at DFO. I havent been able to find a way to wear it untill today because I always felt wierd with the length.
Dress: My new $12 lucky buy from Cocolatte in Melb Central.
Leggings: $7 from Kinji in Harajuku...I have worn these to death lately because it has been sorta chilly.
Belt: $10 thrifted from Camberwell Market...also worn to death lately because Hachiko chew through my other fave belt grrrrrrrr.
Jelly Shoes: $5 from Big W.
Bag: $3.90 from Thank You Mart in Harajuku.
Gold Bracelet: $1 from a bargain basement store.
Necklace: $3 Camberwell Market.
Glasses: FREE...still without my prescription lenses so probably fucking up my eye sight even more.
I needed my fringe trimmed so my mum did that for me (she used to be a hairdresser) because it was getting hard to see (You can see in the close up how my eyes are covered by hair) so she also trimmed Henry's hair as he felt he was developing a mullet...we are lucky to have a hairdresser in the family...I never have to pay for what I want done, in fact the 1st time I ever paid was in Japan. CRAZY hey?
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