Here is my rundown:
Material Boy
This collection is called ABODIGITAL, which could be taken as kinda racist, especially as the models had black tights over their head as if they were black...However I think it's meant to be a comment on the current social climate where Aboriginal people have finally been apologized to over the "Stolen Generation" (This was a HUGE day for Australia last month, with a national televised announcement on all tv channels and parties in all major city squares and towns of which I attended at Federation Square with thousands of other people)and how there has been an increased interest in Aboriginal culture and traditions. Schools are starting to teach more than just the dreamtime stories (or at least they are attempting to, it is a bit hard as a lot of the history has only been passed down verbally with no written records...but there is cave paintings and artifacts).
Anyway I like the collection, as I have been thinking about wearing aboriginal art t-shirts and things lately. (However the famous "dot" paintings aren't what the local "koori" people traditionally painted and that's all I can find on a t-shirt!) I don't know how much people from overseas actually know about Aboriginal culture etc but if you have any questions maybe I can help (I don't know much at all)

Romance was born
This is actually not that different from their last collection, just with more floor length gowns. Apparently the show was really theatrical and interesting so I am annoyed I missed it. However most of the collection is unwearable, unless I was going to a dress up party...but i like that about's not a label that is about being safe and marketable...they try to do unusual things and I love how they use texture. A lot of it reminds me of Tokyo street fashion, and the dress with the eyes and the hair reminds me of something the Spank girls would wear/create.

Alpha 60
This is Melbourne's number 1 hipster coolsie fashion label...and guess what...most of their clothes are BLACK! Henry loves their male collections, but for me the female stuff is all just too basic. Admittedly they have 2 very beautiful new concept stores that I love to visit, but thats mainly because of the interiors not the clothes... I'm pretty sure there would be some more interesting designs but I can't find them on the net. Last season they did some cool tie dye dresses and giant eye t-shirts that I liked...I guess I'll have to go to the shop to see the full collection.

images thanks the herald sun and to fashionising
i think if you took the RWB collection apart, it would be quite wearable. I really like the tights, bodysuit and arty smock dress.