Not only did I have to teach Yvan how to sew I had to save him from getting arrested. It was pretty crazy really. We had to leave my place because we were late for the Toff Facehunter party but we had heaps of beer left so we decided to drink and walk, which we know is illegal but whatever who will catch us, right? Wrong. Anyway we were walking down Bourke Street and my sister spots a police car driving up beside us, she kinda says a little loudly "quick hide you beer" but it's too late they had seen Yvan take a swig of his drink. They yell out "hey you in the black jacket" and Yvan doesn't realise they mean him, his English isn't perfect plus his jacket is blue! Anyway the cops yell out for him to go over because they saw him drinking, so he goes over and the cops say "poor your drink out" and Yvan doesn't really understand what they had said so they repeat it "poor your drink out" (they had very thick Aussie accents by the way) and again Yvan is like "What?" so they think he is being rude and are jumping out to pin him down and arrest him but I run over and scream "he doesn't understand English" so they stop (thank god) and tell me to explain to him to poor his drink out because it is illegal in this country which I do but I kinda just take his beer and run to the nearest bin to appease the angry cops. So we thought that was all over with and we keep walking, but my crazy friend Greta is kinda super drunk (she is crazy but hilarious when drunk) waves at the cops driving by and they pull over and demand for her to take her jacket off and empty her pockets. We are talking about a harmless 5 foot girl here by the way when just up the road there are fights breaking out infront of strip clubs...The reason for this I think is because the way she was dresses, a punk haircut and a giant leather jacket. Yvan thinks Melbourne is a police state by now and is maybe a bit shocked. Anyway she is allowed to go free and we get to the club and Yvan isn't allowed in (yeah wtf its a party in his honor!!!) The reason is because they don't accept foriegn drivers liscenses. Anyway we argue with the bouncer and demand for the manager to come out, and eventually they realise and we can go in. Inside there are heaps of police and Yvan is like "What the hell, why are the police here?" and I don't really know. I have never ever seen so many police out before, it was so crazy. The police left after checking some young looking peoples id's and we finally start to dance. In the end it was a fun night, even with all the drama, but I left kinda early due to extreme exhaustion. Oh well there is always tomorrow, lol.
Some party photos:

EDIT: Omg I just re-read this post and my spelling is atrocious and my grammar is bad too. I guess that's what you get for writing blog posts when drunk at 3am. For some reason when I get home after going out I really feel like writing on my blog but my spelling skills aren't up to standard. Come on Hayley "poor your drink out" its poUr!!! You guys must think I'm a real idiot, lol, but I'm going to keep all the mistakes in this post to remind me not to blog when drunk ever again.
It all sounds like fun but I do hope you get some rest soon. You're exhausting me just reading about all these good times. x
ReplyDeleteI thought the second photo - the guy in the blue blazer - did it have multiple buttons near the sleeve - kinda cool.
HAHAHAH! That thing about Yvan is hilarious. I saw him on degraves (I was with Bianca but not in the photo), he walks with a swagger. You are so lucky to hang out with him
ReplyDeleteGeeez the Police around here can be so crazy sometimes. It still sounds like an amazing night though!
ReplyDeleteIt sounds like a lot of fun! I have to check out photos!
ReplyDeletesounds like you're having fun-o-plenty.
ReplyDeleteRegarding the comment on my blog:
ReplyDeleteI didn't keep my 'heart' Bianca kept hers.
hahaha that is an awesome story, poor yvan though. i'm loving all of your recent party shots! i wish people were that cool over here. on that note, do you know if yvan is coming to brisbane at all?
ReplyDeleteGreat pics. Looks like fun!
ReplyDeleteI might have been quoted in The Age but you were rollin' with da Hunter...cool...so I guess I need to check out his site (which will be a first) for pic's of my Super Fash H. xxxx
ReplyDeleteH, fuck-that-shit right up the ass...I've just checked out his photographs and I'm so UNIMPRESSED. It's all same-same styling that I've see on the 4 million other blogs I read. He hasn't looked beyond the obvious (hello, you're standing in front of him) to explore our cities and unearth REAL fashion trends...this is why I don't waste my time with 'street photography'.xxxx
ReplyDeleteoh heyley! i noticed the "poor" and was like, come on hayley, don't let me down!
ReplyDeleteyvan is such a cutie. my friend patsy and i (who both love your blog) were discussing how wonderful he is yesterday
and today we went to brunswick and footscray savers (and were planning to head to frankston and greensborough too, but we were wayyy too tired) and were so disappointed not to see you at footscray!
Thanks for adding me to your blog links! I'll be sure to return the favour.
ReplyDeleteWhat an hilarious evening! I do have a rule about not blogging while drunk, but in your case go right ahead, bad spelling and all. You really captured the moment.
ReplyDeleteAh what a story! Sounds like you had a blast! xx
ReplyDeleteWhat a whirlwind of fun and excitement, I'm a little bit envious.
ReplyDeleteI must agree with Imelda Matt though - no photos of Hayley from the Facehunter is a criminal oversight!
What a story!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you had fun (and Melb's less good bits didn't get you down).
ReplyDeletegreat photos. always SO stylish. :)x
ReplyDeleteI bow down at your altar of coolness- you are officially the coolest girl in Melbourne right now!!!
ReplyDeleteI'm tellin everyone I know!