Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Vote for Anna's t-shirt design

Do you remember my friend Anna who modelled for my fashion shoot?

Well she is a super talented artist and today she was in the MX newspaper because her t-shirt design is in the final 6 of a Slurpee design competition!

All you need to do is click on the link and VOTE so that she wins!

Thanks xoxo


  1. Everyone voted for me when I needed support so now I am spreading the love! Have voted!

    P.S. I am so freakin jealous of you sitting behind Kate Lanphear! I have always wanted to go to Japan but NEVER as much as when I read your blogs about Tokyo! Ugh!! xxxx

  2. Okay I voted three times! Good luck Anna!!! x

  3. I'm going to vote - that design is so cute!

  4. the design is so cute. i'm casting my vote now.
    i also checked out her website. her sketches are pretty awesome too.

  5. Yo, Heylie!!
    thank you so much for posting this :) and thanks to everyone who voted!
    we should catch up for a coffee soon!
    hope you're well xox


Thank you for taking the time to leave me a message but remember to play nice!