Monday, January 18, 2010


Interview with yours truly in this months Cleo magazine. I've been so excited about this for a while. I love getting recognised for my work and not what I wear, as its what I'm most proud of. It is funny that my street fashion photography, that I started doing nearly 10 years ago now, is what gives me the most recognition rather than my styling? I guess it takes a while for anything to take off, and I've only really been styling for a little over a year now and it is slowly taking off which is exciting. I seriously have to pinch myself occasionally because I'm living my dream.

They also interviewed Emma from Dropstitch, Fernando from Fernandofrisoni and Paul-Simon from Kahlanswardrobe and I noticed something, all of us are stylists and/or designers as well. I guess it shows we have the eye for style and design, and for me it was never about the photgraphy, even though I studied photography at University, it has always been about the style. Sure my photography has improved but I'm not really interested in that side of things. I really like how Fernando said in his interview that it was almost offensive to be compared to Scott Schuman of The Satorialist as I completly agree, and I don't even think he is a talented photographer (shhhh, omg did she say it, omg yes she said it, ha). Fernando says

"Some call me the Scott Schuman of Australia, but I don't take that as a compliment. I started way before Schuman and I like to take pictures of real street wear. I like the challenge of finding an image with a raw or creative element to it. It's quite easy to be in Paris, outside a Galliano show, and take a picture of a fashion editor, but is it real street style? My inspiration is the real people who take a bus to work"

I agree 100% with this statement. It is just so b.o.r.i.n.g "oh wow look at Carrine Rotfield in a loaned outfit from the fashion cupboard at Vogue Paris wearing the shoes that just walked down the runway" its not REAL and I find it all so dull and have never really understood the appeal.

There are so many street photogrphers around the world now, but I feel that people keep forgetting the original (and the best), Shoichi Aoki the creator of Fruits magazine. We all owe so much to him and I feel he doesn't get enough praise. I'm sure that without Shoichi there would be no Scott, Yvan or heck even me, out there snapping away.

Thanks Cleo for being one of the 1st Australian media outlets to finally recognise home grown street fashion photographers and for basically making my day/week/year xxx


  1. Hey congrats on the feature!

    I completely agree with you about the Schumann comment. i think it's more so the subject and the tinkering by his assistant that makes his photos so great...and I love that you and ur colleagues are snapping 'real' people that ride the bus and don't walk around decked out entirely in Balmain

    Excited to see more of your stuff!


  2. well done and well said!! couldn't have put it better myself. nice! xxx

  3. congratulations! And wohhh, Bianca's on there!

  4. Congratulations Hayley! As others have said, this is well earned and well deserved.

  5. Fantastic! Congratulations Hayley - as you said, it is great to see the local talent getting recognised for all the hard work you put in every day. Well Done!

  6. congrats! it's a fantastic spread + great article!! nice work!!!


  7. Feels like we've been waiting years for this edition to come out! I'm so stoked!

  8. Congratulations! It's nice to see you getting some recognition :)

  9. Congrats Hailey!! I never, ever buy Cleo but will have a look at it because YOU are such an inspiration. ♥

  10. That's simply amazing, and I'm gladand honored to be your friend!

  11. CONGRATS! Great feature and totally agree with the sentiment of yourself and Fernando. I never got the appeal of Schumman. I mean i GET it, but honestly I'm much more inspired by people who mix and match and interpret trends rather than wear head to toe designer. I also think your photos really represent Melbourne style perfectly (although you should shoot more hip hop hoochie style girls! haha). Awesome job and props to Cleo for featuring more substance than their usual 'How to give good head' fodder. x

  12. i opened the mag n almost jumped out if skin when i saw this!! congrats hun! so great to see the recognition!

  13. That is fabulous! Congratulations for being recognized for what you love doing. I really love your street fashion photos and photography style. xo

  14. excellent congratulations! your photos looks fab, must be sooo nice to be in print. i'll bet my bottom $ it won't be long before you have similar articles about your styling career too. enjoy the moment very well deserved x

  15. oooooOhhHhH yeahhhh wicked!
    loving this.
    ps. how fucking unbelieeeeeeevable is cleo these days. I've emailed Sarah Oakes (editor) multiple times saying how brilliant they are now :)
    Cosmo is lameeeeeeeeeeeee


  16. hayley congratulations!!!!
    i think we'll all be congratulating you even more in 2010.

  17. GO HAYLEY! GO MELB! This is too good!

  18. congratulations, well done! :)
    have a sweet day, xoxo

  19. Congratulations and aweseome work!! I love how you show "real" style on the streets, I much prefer to see that then the boring steriotypical version of what they want us to believe is style. Well done!

  20. hey nice feature!
    I haven't been home in ages and didn't know street photography hit it big time.

    anyway, how did you get into the stylist business? I would have sent you an email but the side link thingy didnt work. hmm

  21. Congratulations.

    Have you seen the new Lisa Ho catalogue/look book? I swear you styled it. It's so you!


  22. emily browning is so pretty, I saw her last time I was in Australia while we both lined up to get our american visa's.
    Love your blog and congrats on the article!

  23. congrats! it's great you are getting the attention you deserve, keep up the good work!

  24. congrats!
    and I thought your points about street fashion photography were very well put. I totally agree that the high end stuff can be very bland, there is no personality there.
    Fashion is fashion, not pretty photographs, which is something lookbook forgot... they're both great but sometimes should be separated.

  25. Full of shit much?
    "the girl who works for Russh magazine in the Josh Goot dress and Alexander Wang won't see that on a Melbourne girl, it will be all op shop finds and shoes from Dimmy's...that is the difference between Melbourne and Sydney, I swear I never see people in head to toe designer in Melbourne."

  26. Hazel, you will find the girls I have photographed are wearing 1 vintage chanel bag which is certainly not head to toe designer now is it?

  27. i just read your comment on the japanese TFR parties.. lucky you for being there!
    hope one day to go.

    good work on the write up!


  28. congrats hayley..
    that is so good..

  29. Congrats!
    A fab interview :)


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