
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Heart melting cute

Sorry about the short blogging break. I jetted off to Melbourne to celebrate Christmas and ring in the New Year staying at my sister's house who *shock horror* doesn't have the internet. Yes I could have used an internet dongle but I was having too much fun catching up with family and friends which I hope is what you all have been doing this holiday season, well that and shopping up a storm at the boxing day sales. I got this amazing vintage leather biker jacket on sale on at Vintage Sole on Brunswick Street in Fitzroy and practically lived in it all week thanks to Melbourne's mild nights. Sydney wont be cold enough for it till March I think. I have been looking for a vintage biker since I lost mine one drunken night in Melbourne, the trouble was it had to be cropped as that's the most flattering cut for my large hips but all, and I mean ALL, the bikers I found were too long. Then bam, walked into Vintage Sole and saw this beauty cropped biker hanging on display on the wall, ask Henry if he thinks it will fit, he says no as he just couldn't be bothered standing around while I tried it on, I go ahead and ask the staff to get it down anyway and holy heck it fits like a glove. The price was a little high for me at $155 on sale but with Christmas money in my purse and the desire of months and months of searching and finally finding what I'd been looking for at the forefront of my mind I ignored Henry's protestations over the cost (after telling him it was only $100 anyway) and bought this baby then and there. And boy did it feel good, #YOLO #noregrets and all that.

Outfit details
Vintage leather biker Vintage Sole $155
Space print peplum top ASOS
Black pencil skirt Kmart $10
Floral crown DIY (tutorial here)

Foil candy clutch H&M x Martin Maison Margiela via ebay
Pink faux fur tail Harry Wragg $25

Neon pink necklace Gift from Kurt of Melbourne boutique Fashiondacci
Nail art Clara H Nails in Melbourne. We were inspired by the pastel tones in my outfit for this set and of course Harajuku too. I am in the process of editing a video to show you the amazing technique Clara has in producing her hand painted and sculpted nail art.

Cute rosette Gift from Kurt of Melbourne boutique Fashiondacci
Close up of the cute rosette inspired nail by Clara H Nails

Pink jelly heels Juju Babe's in fuschia from MrShoes UK

I wore nearly the same outfit on New Years Eve to a 90s themed rave house party but with the addition of phone deco stickers from Daiso ($2.80 woo!!!), my sequin skirt and epic make up that was part of my Christmas gift from my sister (thanks sis!). HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

Eyeshadow Aquataenia Mermaid palette by Lime Crime
Eyeliner (on eye and in eyebrow) Blue Milk liquid eyeliner by Lime Crime
Lipstick No She Didn't lipstick by Lime Crime
Lime Crime is stocked at Lady Petrova in Melbourne if you want to test it out in person. The best thing is its not tested on animals, woo!

Get the look!!!


  1. I think $155 is tops for a leather jacket. You'll have years of wear out of it if you don't lose this one!

    I didn't know there was a Lime Crime stockist in Melbs. I am so there tomorrow.

  2. Hayley this has to be one of your best outfit! The pop of colors is so amazing I could cry. The highlight has to be your blue lipstick though. Stop. Looking. So. Amazing. You make the rest of us look bad!


  3. your nails and awesome!! Happy new year :) x

  4. i love your psychedelic style!:O

  5. Funny I also went for the galaxy look for NYE, but my outfit was a little less amazing! lol I love your makeup and nails!

  6. This is such a fantastic outfit/look! I also went for the galaxy look for NYE but a little less fabulous than yours. ;)

    So happy you have the H&M clutch, it's perfect for you.

  7. love your style and how you are so out there here in boring ol syd <3

  8. So happy to have found you in 2012. looking forward to all your wonderful inspiration in the coming year.
    I love the vintage bike, and crazy gorgeou make up, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ( sigh of joy)
    Much love, dear Hayley.

  9. your summery outfit is making me jealous! it's nearly freezing in my part of the world.

  10. Great fit on the jacket! Kawaii nails, & the make up looks beautiful!

    <3 Megan

  11. Great fit on the jacket, kawaii nails & beautiful make up too!

    <3 Megan

  12. That jacket is perfect! Congratulations on the cool find :)
    Happy new year!

  13. That jacket is PERFECTION

  14. Your whole outfit is to die for!! i particularly like your use of accessories and your nails

  15. The jacket is FANTASTIC! And $150 is a bargain, great find.

  16. You are so daring! I spotted your jacket, necklace and the candy clutch.

  17. Omg, this look is insanely perfect! I'm crying candy tears of envy for those nails!!!

  18. Love love love the nails!!

    Much love xoxo,


  19. Those jelly heels!!! oh my gosh. I keep looking all over for them now but everywhere is sold out of size 8 or 9 :(. I did find some on ebay but they've been marked up to almost x3 the price. Hopefully somewhere will get new stock soon, they look so amazing!


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