
Monday, February 4, 2013


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I'd never been to Montsalvat before, which to my mother was crazy as its one of her most favourite places. Montsalvat is Australia's oldest artist's colony built in 1935 by Justus Jörgensen and it really is a stunningly beautiful place. My mum is an artist, painting mostly landscapes, so she comes to Montsalvat often for inspiration and I can see why. It sure made a great background for these outfit photos, which were all taken by my artistic mother, you can see she has an eye just by the framing of these photos.

Outfit details
Leather look peplum top ASOS
Digital print skirt Tightrope $9.95
Sunglasses Miu Miu Noir in red glitter from Vision Direct
Neon pink rope necklace Fashiondacci

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One of the best outfit photos taken of me ever, thanks mum! I can't get enough of this skirt, I'm thinking of going back for more, I mean why not they're only $9.95.

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See how stunning Montsalvat is?

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My neon rainbow bangle set were a gift from my sister's recent trip to India. My sister loved India, sure the extreme poverty shocked her but then so did the beauty and kindness of the people, her stories make me want to explore Asia beyond Japan.

Neon bangles Gift from my sister's recent trip to India
Vintage Moschino bag gift
Neon pink faux fur tail Harry Wragg
Watch Lacoste


  1. awesome outfit! i love the skirt! i really have to get me a pair!

  2. OOO! Such a nice location, Just letting you know that you look soops doops cute.

    XX Domenic

  3. Fabulous always, my deares Hayley.

  4. I love everything about this outfit. Rowr! I really want a leather peplum now.

  5. Amazing as usual! Love your style^^

  6. Awesome as always! :D

  7. I've never been there either and it's really close to my house.

    I want to see more of Asia too. I've been to SE Asia but I want to go to Taiwan next I think.

  8. Great skirt, what a bargain, you look very relaxed in this shoot, fabulous outfit

    Sleekit x

  9. ahhh...moschino...if only all fashion brands could adopt their attitude towards fashion. love the splashes of hot pink too! xo

  10. Damn woman! You've got killer style! LOVE that necklace and the sandals.



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