
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

It’s a rave new world

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Finally got the internet connected at our new house in Melbourne today and I can't tell you just how good it is to be able to watch funny cat videos and instagram my lunch once more. I've been eager to share these photos I snapped at Club Dluxxx since the Easter long weekend. Unfortunately the rave got shut down by the police just as I arrived so I didn't get a chance to snap all the amazing outfits I saw - of which there were many. But here are the few that I did manage to capture before shit went down.

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Holly's amazing Walter Van Beirendonck backpack. If you've ever read old FRUiTS magazines from the late 90s early 00s you would have seen a lot of people wearing his old label W&LT (Wild & Lethal Trash) and even more people carrying a distinctive clear plastic shopping bag with the yellow W&LT logo. Seriously its everywhere in old FRUiTS issues as well as the FRUiTS book.

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Amazing DIY holographic dress.

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Vlad in his amazing DI$COUNT jacket.

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Was good to catch up with Ben from Miami Horror who I haven't seen in ages. Expect new music from the band later this year.

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I didn't take any outfit photos as we had spent the day moving mountains of boxes at our new place and I was pretty exhausted but I do have this hilariously photobombed shot of what I wore. I love my DI$COUNT eyeball tee so much.


  1. I love to have you back, my friend.

  2. Such an entertaining post! Love it.
    Love Miami Horror.

  3. Everyone looks so fun! You look fabulous and like you had a blast! I adore all of the unique styles!

  4. Glad to see you back! You always go to fun places! Everyone has such a unique style!

  5. Absolutely love it!

  6. I love these pics, looks like such a fun time! I haven't been to a rave in foreverrrrr.

  7. When I used to rave, I'd be surrounded by cows or some muddy field, this looks very glam and I love all the creative outfits!

    I was offline for a while too during my move, finally settling in to life in the burbs, you could say me raving days are definitely over

    Thanks for the new bub best wishes too

    Sleekit x

  8. Guh! So much amazing in one post! I'd die for a di$count jacket in my size, they are just TOO perfect!

  9. It seems you have so much fun! ;) btw...I met Laura a few years ago at Lisbon Fashion Week.

  10. I'm loving all the neon rave stuff...and the backpacks....and bindis... Can feel self regressing back to youth!

  11. ahh the wvb backpack, so amazing ; - ; his backpacks are always incredible!!

  12. Just found your blog and I must say I freaking love it!! The 90s vibe in your outfits is just so inspiring and cool. Following you now <3

  13. Boys wearing POC <3 Looks like a fun party!


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