
Tuesday, November 19, 2013

¥A¥ for ¥en!

 Sorry guys, I know I've been terrible at taking outfit photos while here in Tokyo. Travelling alone sans my usual outfit photographer, aka my husband, has made it difficult, as has my aversion to carrying around my heavy dslr. Seriously guys that thing is a bitch to carry and I'd much rather enjoy my days then break my back trying to document them. But at last I got some photos of one of my new favourite outfits I've been rocking in Tokyo, it's actually already been on my instagram and on Candy's customer street snap blog (which is pretty much the coolest shop in Tokyo by the way). The skirt I'm wearing is actually sold at Candy but I got it before I left Australia from ASOS. It's by UK label Bitching And Junkfood and I just couldn't pass up on getting some fun ¥en printed action to wear over in Tokyo.

It gets dark pretty early in Tokyo right now, around 4pm, so these photos were taken just as we were losing light - hence the moody lighting. Thankfully the local brothels have lots of neon lights to brighten up my photo. Yep - those cute pink signs and anime cartoon ads are for brothels - or as they're called in Japan 'Pink Salon'. They do differ from regular brothels though as they're just for oral sex - skirting the laws on prostitution. I'm actually staying above one right now. This is the 'real' Japan - the gritty dirty edge that most tourists don't discover. Not everything here is twee, kawaii or traditionally minimal - I would argue that the real Japan is mountains of plastic, bureaucracy for bureaucracy's sake and a whole lotta hentai (perversion).

Outfit details
Leather biker jacket Vintage Sole Fitzroy
Peplum top River Island via ASOS last year so now sold out (sorry guys)
¥en print skirt Bitching and Junkfood via ASOS
Lilac specs Bespecd Minsk
Pom pom earrings Gift from reader
Unicorn necklace Giza by Mademoiselle Yulia from GR8 Laforet Harajuku
Sarcasm badge Fashiondacci
Hologrpahic heels Windsor Smith (similar here)

The vending machine lighting really helped capture the details of my accessories. If you watched my Tokyo shopping haul video you would've seen my new unicorn necklace by Mademoiselle Yulia's brands Giza. As I said in my video, it was a no brainer purchase because hello - it's a bloody pink unicorn!!!

Pom pom earrings Gift from reader
Unicorn necklace Giza by Mademoiselle Yulia from GR8 Laforet Harajuku
Sarcasm badge Fashiondacci

I also spoke about my new faux fur backpack from Bubbles in Harajuku in that haul vid. I LOVE it so much, especially that the straps are elastic because it means the backpack bounces as you walk - it kinda just feels awesome cos it makes it feel kinda weightless. Also it kinda looks like my backpack is twerking as I walk, and that's a big global meme worthy trend right now so double yay! Oh and to make it even better the straps say 'Bubbles Saw The City' in that kinda hip hop elastic tracksuit way (?). You know what I mean? The 'Hate All People' badge is from Nadia in Harajuku - I love the juxtaposition of something that looks so cute, pink and girly with a message so off putting (but true, am I right?). The design was actually done by Manami-san who now works at Bubbles.

Faux fur backpack Bubbles Harajuku
Hate all people badge Nadia Harajuku
Hologrpahic heels Windsor Smith (similar here)

I met up with fellow Aussie Aaron who is currently living over here in Tokyo working as a model/dj and blogging over at his wicked blog A*POP. He hadn't been to Koenji before so I offered to show him around as it can be a little confusing on a first time visit, especially trying to find the Kitakore building (where he bought his cool new sneakers from ilil as seen in the shot above). As Aaron was taking my outfit photos a local who was carrying his own dslr offered to take our photo together for us, so we happily took him up on the offer. It's not unusual then to be asked if they can take your photo in Japan - it's a daily occurrence in Japan if you're a westerner with somewhat cool or cute style - or blonde hair. Well what happened next was certainly not normal, if anything it was a little hentai. He wanted us to 'kissu kissu' for his shot and wouldn't say what the photo was for. Of course we refused but thankfully we got these shots of us together before all that happened. Ahhh Japan I do love you so.

Kissu kissu xoxo

Shop the look!!!


  1. you look stunning! omg I was just wondering what kind of stores are in the background because I cant read a thing :D

  2. Just came across you blog & love it, your style is awesome & your words are hilarious.

    The Fashann Monster

  3. Hahaha, I love it! Japan is so weird but in the best possible way! I like that you're showing this side of Japan that isn't in the forefront of our minds when we think of the place.

    There is a Japanese acquaintance I've made here at my college who is an extremely hilarious person. He is so sarcastic and soft spoken, and makes the craziest jokes, an especially funny one being about a "pervert ghost" that lives in his room. XD

  4. One of the things that really puts me off wandering into just random bars when travelling in Japan is that they might be blow job bars or "snack" bars. That'd be so embarrassing esp sober (drunk it might be funny) and very expensive!

    The skirt is too awesome. Ha, my friend and I got asked for lots of kissu pictures when we were in Osaka (on the bridge, of course). Being asked to kiss someone for a stranger's photo is plain weird though. I often wonder what they do with all their gaijin photos... not that I want to think about it too much.

  5. You look like you lost a few pounds. It mist be exhausting traveling and walking around constantly.


Thank you for taking the time to leave me a message but remember to play nice!