
Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Pineapple Heat Wave

 How crazy is this heat wave Melbourne is experiencing right now? Today was a hot hot hot 43 degrees celsius which is 109.4 fahrenheit for those of you in the USA! The only way to escape the heat is to hit the local pool or stay at home with your AC on full blast. I chose the later, feeling guilty about the emissions but literally dying if I turned it off. Our house is all glass skylights and floor to ceiling windows so saying it gets HOT in here is an understatement! I actually instagram'd a photo of our glass filled lounge room the other day, I'm planning on a big blog post sharing with you all the details from my new house as my last home style post back in my Sydney apartment (which was tiny compared to this house!) was so popular. My new thing with this house is indoor plants, inspired in part by this Japanese interior design book 'Deco Room With Plants' that I got for Christmas from Henry. Talking about interiors I'm obsessed with Gorman's new homewares pop up shop and collection. I actually bought a pineapple cushion from the collection, the same pineapple print that is in my skirt above. Essentially I'm obsessed with pineapples....and Gorman haha. Seriously this season Gorman is killing it to me, I've already bought two dresses, the skirt above, jewellery, socks, a cushion and a bag and have my eyes on another skirt and dress in the sale section. Is that overkill? Will I be a label whore?

Outfit details
Vintage blouse Hunter Gatherer
Pineapple buttons Short Cuts Laser on Etsy
Pineapple skirt Gorman
White backpack Sportsgirl
White jelly shoes Rubi Shoes
White sunglasses Tsumori Chisato from Pet Shop Girls
Flower headbeand Lady Petrova
Yellow resin bangle Symantha Rose from Lenko

Talking about over kill, as you may be aware I like to dress in a matchy matchy manner, which isn't for everyone I guess. When I bought the pineapple skirt from Gorman I knew I had nothing in my wardrobe to go with it, luckily on the same shopping trip just accros the road on Brunswick Street at Hunter Gatherer I found this cute white vintage blouse for only $15. Immediately I envisioned replacing the buttons with some pineapple shaped ones so started browsing the etsy app over a post shopping coffee and cake. Short Cuts Laser on Etsy had the perfect buttons and I think they work really well with the whole outfit, don't you?

Still obsessed with backpacks, even if they make me look like a giant toddler.

Jelly sandals forever and ever!

Sorry about my unexplained blogging break. Gala Darling wrote a great post about dealing with blogging block inspired by a tweet of mine which is a must read for bloggers and creative's alike. I had a pretty big disappointment in my professional life - which I plan to address soon, and that, combined with some back home from Tokyo blues I just wasn't up to my usual schedule of blogging. Hopefully from now on I'll be back to regular posting, but I can't promise anything yet. I do love and miss all my readers and your lovely comments though xoxo


  1. Eeeeppp you are such a summer perfection with all these pineapples detail :) :)

  2. this is so cute! i love the pineapples!

  3. I wished to have my Hayley back the whole time <3 I really missed you like hell and already had a blogger block as well from finding the blogger world not the same anymore without you. Darling, I don't know about what disappointed you, but I am sure you will get over it and there will be new and even better things coming for you. I've never met you, but you changed something in my, something that doesn't happen very often and therefore I know you're a very, very special person. I love this new look I must say. But you know: I am just another fruit and pineapple victim…. Having my eyes on the Gorman pineapple things as well for quite a while. The buttons you added to your shirt are just the icing on the cake. Thank you so very much for being back and please don't leave anymore <3<3<3 Kisses

  4. I love your blog, and I really like your jelly sandals!

  5. loove this outfit, and how you customised that blouse to match the skirt! <3
    Welcome back to blogging, sorry to hear about your job


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