
Thursday, October 30, 2014

La Mascara High Tea with The Real Housewives of Melbourne

 Oh My God! Those were my words when the invite for the La Mascara High Tea afternoon garden party for me and my plus one arrived in my inbox. OH MY GOD! You see my bff's and I are obsessed with The Real Housewives of Melbourne. We had weekly viewing parties at my house, dissected that infamous anonymous email with it projected on my big screen tv so we could analyze every word and I even rushed out to buy La Mascara the day it was launched for our own little tasting and reunion episode watching soirée. I replied immediately saying just how excited I was for the event, how the invite had made my day/week/month/year and how my best friends and I are obsessed with the show and that I was very excited to come along for the launch dressed in my retro best. The lovely PR wrote back and told me I could invite a few more guests to come along with me which blew my mind even more! Sharing in the opportunities that blogging brings with the people I love is so much fun, especially when you know how happy it will make them. Unfortunately one of our #RHOM obsessives girl gang member is currently overseas (well not so unfortunately as she is having an amazing time, but you know!) so it was my friends Laurie and Charlotte and my sister Ebony who I chose as my guests. Now actually Ebony doesn't watch #RHOM as she leads a very busy and full life unlike the rest of us (haha) but truthfully she actually works with one of the biggest stars of the show, Gina Liano, so she feels uncomfortable watching her on tv in a way. As you're all probably aware in Gina's other life she is a lawyer, and my sister works in the same field and see's Gina almost daily, working on the same cases. I actually knew about the show and Gina's involvement long before it was officially announced because Eb was in the know. Ebony is very professional and will never gossip but she would answer any questions us obsessives had about Gina - like does she really wear those sparkly dresses and super high heels to court? The answer being yes, although with less cleavage on show. AMAZING right? That just made us love Gina more. Anyway would you believe we didn't actually co-ordinate our outfits to all be wearing pink to the event? It just worked out that way (because we're all amazing #duh!)

 Laurie looked stunning in her vintage pink trousers and blouse and those pink fringed flatforms from ASOS! She borrowed my Miu Miu red glitter sunglasses, neon pink clutch and pink flower headband to finish off the look. Honestly Laurie always looks incredible but this may just be my favourite look yet!

 Ebony wore her new pale pink Topshop culottes with rose gold shoes and accessories. Her rose gold heels are from Wittner, the rose gold clutch is from Kleins Perfumery and the rose gold bangle is by Estelle Dévé. To top it all off she wore a vintage scarf fashioned into a turban. Looking very glam!

 Charlotte rocked the hell out of her Alice Edgeley sequin turban and vintage dress combo! You can always count on me for some pink accessories so Charlotte borrowed my pink vintage clutch which was actually my mothers from the 1970's. How amazing does she look?


 The event was held at the historic Rippon Lea Estate which was built in 1868. The gardens were set up with vintage games for the high tea like croquet and the above badminton.

 Lot's of handsome guests were in attendance.

 Happy Camper Pizza were on hand to make freshly made to your liking pizza's, even catering to the vegan's and vegetarians amongst us (which is rare at a catered event!)

The event was to launch La Mascara's new range of alcoholic ice tea's called High Tea. Truthfully they were actually really delicious, sometimes pre-mixed drinks like these can be too sweet but I think the tea flavour helped unsweeten it. These are going to be perfect for summer!

 The Tequila shots were dangerous!

 Can't get over how amazing we all looked!

 Janet from #RHOM getting in on some badminton action.

So many vintage babes!

 Too fabulous!


I wore my pastel splash Gorman dress with a new Forever New floral headpiece, Tony Bianco pastel pink slides and a silver Decjuba bag (which is perfect for events like this cos it fits my camera!).

 I just wanted to hang out here forever. Such a beautiful location!

 Now time for some #RHOM #selfie action. Here we are with the oh so lovely and chic Chyka and her daughter. This is the second time I've met Chyka at an event now and she remembered me! She said my wardrobe must be fabulous because I always look incredible. Yep, I died right then and there!

 Here we all are with new #RHOM housewife Gamble Breaux whose style is just incredible. Can't wait to see her on the show next season!

OMG Janet too! So fabulous in person, watching next season is going to be even better having met her.

The QUEEN! Ginal Liano you have my heart and you wore pink too!!! How did you know it's my favourite colour? My sister introduced us between filming (we weren't allowed to interrupt them during takes) but unfortunately we didn't manage to get a #selfie with her as she was so busy, but there's always next time! We also met Ben 'the rockstar' from Silverchair (check out my instagram for my #selfie snap with him) and spoke to Jackie briefly too but it was her big launch so again she was too busy filming for us to interrupt her but safe to say she looked amazing stealing the show. I can not wait until season two begins next year now, this has made me even more obsessed with these incredible glamourous ladies. I'm totally having a big La Mascara party at my place the night this episode airs to celebrate, whose in? Hopefully you'll be able to see us all in the background, we sure do stand out. Pink ladies forever!!!


  1. These ensemble shoots are to die for. Its awesome seeing how your tribe rolls.

  2. You and your friends look abs-fricking-AMAZING but your friend Laurie looks like a GODDESS!! Please tell me she has a blog or instagram that I can stalk her incredible wardrobe on. Those fringed platforms are so BABIN!!!

  3. the pictures are so nice and give it a really 50s/60s flair! All of you looked great!

  4. OK I'm no fan of the Melbourne Housewives (or any of the real housewives series) but these photos are fabulous and that turban is possibly the single greatest piece of headgear I have ever seen in my life

  5. I don't know this Melbourne housewives thing, but it is so great to see all of you dressed to kill ;-) Here the autumn is arrived, so some springtime sun and bold colours is a real must. THANK YOU MISS !!!

  6. oh wow, you all looked incredible, like you could be in the show yourselves!
    fantastic x


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